Why I Don’t Call Myself a Modern-Day Feminist.
While having a discussion with a group of students in my school about the immigration situation in the United States, I had asked them if they think whether everyone has a right to go and live in the States, and one of them expressed that in cases of seeking refuge, they do. The next question, which I asked, was, “Do the rest of the 7.6 billion people then have a right as well?”
As soon as I had asked them this, one of the six students angrily asked me, “How can you hate females while being one yourself? I thought you were a feminist.”
This question would have left me confused if I didn’t understand what she was referring to. You see, nowhere above have I mentioned females, but I had asked them a question, which made them presume I’m pro-Trump and therefore, obviously, anti-women.
Having been in similar situations multiple times, her question did not surprise me.
In my opinion, the Left thinks it has a monopoly on feminism. Modern day feminists are not just fighting for equal rights, anymore. They are fighting for emasculation of men and complete flexibility in gender, among other such things.
Modern day feminists parade in anatomical clothes and tell women who hold different political views that they are a disgrace to their gender. They embrace oppressive traditions such as wearing burqas and stay silent on laws such as Sharia, which is ironic since they claim to fight against the same repressive patriarchal society, which controls the things women can and cannot do.
They constantly victimize our gender, especially to terminate the debates they can’t handle. They claim to want equality while also expecting special treatment. They fail to understand individual responsibility and blame society when things go south. They refuse to acknowledge that men and women are different in some ways, even when biologically speaking.
Modern day feminism has just mindlessly adopted the entire liberal-Left ideology. Now, in order to be regarded as a feminist you have to be pro-choice, pro-Hillary, pro-Islam, anti-guns, draw your potency from your sexuality but most importantly hate Donald Trump.
I would rather have a mind of my own and the ability to learn, think, and grow than indulge in mob activism to get an insignia of a “modern-day feminist”.